Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 3

Woke up this morning after a full night of restless sleep. Had aches and pains all night and was so hot. Definitely coming down with something. Went to work today and felt like crap all morning. Fortunately it is a half day so my principal said I can skip the meetings and go home to rest. I went home and spent all afternoon on the couch resting.

Didn't eat breakfast because my stomach was not ok.

Lunch was a can of black beans and crackers and tomatoes

No dinner, still not feeling so hot. Going t bed at 8:20! Tomorrow is a field trip day so I hope I feel better in the morning.

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Day 2

Ok last night was a lesson in beer on an empty stomach. Note to self, eat more food all day.

Same as every day. I look forward to breakfast!!!!!!!!

- humus
- tortillas
- crackers
- guacamole
Still hungry :( I need to buy some mixed nuts to tide me over during the day.

- quinoa
- black beans
- crackers
- V8
Not feeling very good today. Think I am coming down with something

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 1

I have decided to do a vegan challenge. I will start with a week and I will decide what to do after that. My friend and I have challenged each other to see who can go a week eating entirely vegan. I know that a week is not that long but I had to start somewhere. There is no way that Ben will be able to do it! The reason behind my experiment is 1. Healthy living 2. Just to see what it is like to be a vegan 3. Because Ben said I could not do it.

Day 1

Breakfast was easy because I always eat the same thing for breakfast and it is vegan.
- bowl of granola
- cup of coffee
yummy! I love breakfast.

Lunch was a little harder because I usually just eat in the cafeteria but as we all know, school lunch is not the most healthy choice. I went to the store today and bought some things I could just leave in the refrigerator to eat for lunch.
- artichoke hummus
- crackers (vegan friendly, I checked)
- guacamole
- whole wheat tortilla
- morning star tomato patty
Pretty yummy lunch as well. I can already tell that I will need to change my mindset about food. I know I am full, but having meat always seems like it makes it a meal instead of a snack.

Met Matt at crickets for some liquid carbs. Sounded like a good idea at the time but ended badly. All I could eat was chips and the combination of strong beer and chips for dinner means I was not feeling well all night long! I have to go to the store to stock up on vegan food for the house.

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